How to Register and Obtain License for Your Accommodation Establishment with The Ghana Tourism Authority

Did you know that by law (Tourism Act, 2011), operating a tourism enterprise in Ghana without a valid licence issued by the Ghana Tourism Authority is illegal? And a person who contravenes this, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than one hundred penalty units or imprisonment for a term of not more than six months or to both.

To avoid such an event from ever happening to you, I’m going to show you how to register and obtain a valid licence from the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) for your accommodation establishment (be it a hotel, guest house, conference hall, etc.)
Trying to register your accommodation establishment without any foreknowledge about the processes involved can be stressful. Fortunately, the GTA has outlined the procedure for registration and licensing of accommodation establishment to remove some of that stress.

1. Obtain Project Form from GTA at a small fee.
2. Buy a copy of the New Harmonized Standard for Accommodation and Catering Establishment to guide you.
3. A designated officer will help you fill the Registrations Form and carry out initial assessment of your facility based on the information provided on the form or physical inspection of the project site to determine the registration fee payable.
4. Upon payment of the registration fee, you will be issued with suitability letters for our collaborative Agencies.
5. You have six (6) weeks to fulfill the entire mandatory suitability requirement if the project is already completed otherwise your documentations should be completed before the facility is ready for use.

Business Registration Certificate
Certificate to Commence Business
Company Regulations
Site Plan and Basic Drawing Architectural Drawings
Evidence of ownership of Premises (Indenture/Tenancy Agreement/Lease)
Building Permit
Development or change of use permit from Town and Country Planning Dep
Police Report on security of the premises and criminal records of proprietor.
Fire Certificate
Environmental Health Certificate
EPA permit
6. After submitting all the mandatory documents, a team from GTA will conduct an assessment of your facility for the processing and issuance of an operational license.

7. After the first License is issued, the facility will be inspected periodically for the renewal of the operational based on the maintenance of standards and service delivery. Duration of the license is 1st Jan. to 31st Dec.

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