Kenya Announces Visa on Arrival for All Africans

Kenya's newly sworn-in president has announced that all Africans will be able to obtain a visa on arrival at a port of entry as he seeks to improve continental ties.

President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke to a cheering crowd of tens of thousands at his inauguration, which ends months of political turmoil that included a nullified election and a repeat vote.

This new directive will boost international trade and tourism to the country as tourism is the second foreign exchange earner in Kenya following agriculture.

A growing number of African nations are making moves toward easing travel restrictions for people across the continent.

 It can be recalled that Rwanda, another East African nation, earlier this month also issued a similar directive allowing travellers from across the world to receive a 30-day visa upon arrival.

The move was set to increase Rwanda’s openness and accessibility to the rest of the world.

Kenyatta also urged Kenyans to reject hate and divisiveness after the election unrest that left dozens of people dead.

The development also comes at a time when the African Union is in the process of adopting a treaty to liberalize free movement of across the continent.

The treaty seeks to realize age old ambitions of opening up the continent to increase opportunities of trade, investment and opportunities for Africans.

Excerpts in this report were taken from

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