Nigeria Set to Host First International Drinks Festival in December

This December promises to be more fun than ever before as the major financial center in Africa, Lagos play host to the first ever International Drinks Festival.

The festival will see brand owners, retailers, and holiday fun seekers besiege Lagos in the single largest gathering of stakeholders in the drinks’ business ever witnessed in Nigeria.

The event, which is scheduled to take place from the 1st – 3rd December, 2017 at the Balmoral Convention Centre, Federal Palace Hotel, V.I, is bound to attract over 15,000 guests and promises to be an experience.

The festival will also have a lot of interactive fun events to lighten up the atmosphere and introduce various beverage brands to the general public.

According to Euromonitor International (a world renowned business intelligence company), Nigeria consumed 36.68 million liters of soft drinks in 2016, its spirits market worth $6 billion, and beer accounting for 55% of the total market share,

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