Peru launches its new tourism campaign to increase tourists visitation

From backpacking in the Andes to luxury Amazon river cruises, Peru has positioned itself as one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. Peru has enjoyed a growing tourism industry with more and more people visiting the country year on year.
Now, the Peruvian government intends to build on this increase by launching a campaign to double the number of tourists visiting the country by 2021. The campaign focuses on illustrating Peru’s cultural, natural and culinary riches, revolving around the idea that “Peru is the richest country in the world”.

The campaign was launched at this year’s World Travel Market event in London. “When you come to Peru, you will become more enriched by experiences” says Elizabeth Hakim, PROMPERÚ´s UK and North American markets coordinator.
PROMPERÚ is reacting to a new and redefined understanding of wealth, the focus is no longer purely on material wealth, but also on wealth of opportunities, connections and culture. Peru fully meets this new landscape with a wealth of authentic and diverse experiences. Not only can visitors enjoy the breathtaking sights of one of the world’s seven wonders in Machu Picchu, but the country now offers a vast range of life enriching moments for each and every visitor.

“Peru is blessed with a rich diversity of landscapes, we have beaches, mountains, jungles and more” explains Katty Vilchez-Michie of Setours, one of the tour operators supporting the campaign.
This natural advantage allows Peru to offer a vast range of experiences from South America’s first luxury sleeper train which winds through the Andes from Cusco to Lake Titicaca, to trekking in the dense amazon rainforest and experiencing the Gocta waterfalls, the world’s third largest.

Fans of culture and archaeology can explore the wonders of Inca and Pre-Inca cultures like the Chachapoyas of Peru’s andean “Cloud Forests” whilst food lovers can delve into Peru’s rich culinary culture. Known around the world for its excellent coffee and cacao, Peru’s culinary tradition is sure to win over any visitors with an emphasis on sustainable, healthy and local superfoods.
There has also been a big focus on improving infrastructure for Peru’s tourism industry, this year saw the opening of a brand new cable car to the 1200 year old Kuelap mountain citadel and an increase in direct flights from Lima to Peru’s rich northern region.

Along with the government campaign, thirty companies from Peru’s tourism industry have pledged to support the campaign encouraging tourism in Peru. “Peruvians are really friendly and welcoming people and they want more people to come to Peru” according to Claudia Alfaro of Lima Tours.
This friendly nature is at the heart of Peru’s appeal, a place where visitors can relax and explore to enrich themselves whilst making genuine connections with Peruvians in some of South America’s most breathtaking backdrops.

PROMPERÚ hope to have 7 million annual visitors to Peru by 2021 by building on the country’s well known tourist sights and offering and broad and diverse selection of life enriching moments through Peru’s “myriad of opportunity, biodiversity, heritage and culture”.
Tourism is one of Peru’s most important industries, representing nearly 4% of the country’s GDP and employing nearly one and a half million people meaning that this is more than a campaign, it’s a national movement towards welcoming more and more people to Peru, creating timeless getaways, soul enriching breaks from the ordinary in what Peruvians deem “the richest country in the world”.


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