Top Five (5) Ecotourism Sites in Ghana to Visit in 2018

Ecotourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in Africa, and tourists have flocked by the thousands to enjoy the continent’s natural beauty while embracing environmentally-friendly approaches to travel.

Ghana is a nature lover’s delight. It’s sunny equatorial climate and fertile well-watered soils sustain an enchanting selection of wildlife, ranging from elephants to monkeys and marine turtles to crocodiles, as well as hundreds of colorful bird and butterfly species.

Here are five ecotourism sites to explore in Ghana next year;

5. Tano Sacred Grove, Brong Ahafo Region

The Tano Sacred Grove encloses a cluster of striking sandstone rock formations nestled within a semi-deciduous forest. This natural attraction is closely linked with the history and traditions of the Bono people.

Activities that can be undertaken at this site include;
  • ·         Explore the beauty of a natural phenomenal standing atop towering rock formations.
  • ·         Hike along nature trail and observe a variety of plant, trees, birds and butterfly species. You may be lucky to sight baboons and antelopes.
  • ·         Hear the history of the Tano Boase Sacred Groove; the site is one of the earliest settlements.

4. Amedzofe, Volta Region

This hilltop settlement of extraordinary beauty rests at 2500 feet about sea level. It is an ideal location for tourist looking for a refreshing, near temperate climate and paranomic view.

  • ·         Climb to the top of Mount Gemi and enjoy the paroramic views of the surrounding township and the entire scenery.
  • ·         Take a high adventure descent along steep-sided mountain to a cool and beautiful waterfall
  • ·         Hike through farmlands and forest and observe exotic flowers, birds and butterflies along the way

3. Wechiau Hippo Sactuary, Upper West Region

The Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary is a protected area consisting of 40 kilometers stretch down the length of the Black Volta River. The Wechiau Sanctuary is home to hippos, bats, chameleon, hedgehogs and many different types of these lizards and snakes. The sanctuary is an ideal location for adventurous tourist with lots to do and see including bird watching, hiking and trekking to discover the beauty of nature.

Activities to be undertaken include;
  • ·        View hippos and a wide variety of birds on the Black Volta River. Best times to view hippos are between January and June
  • ·         Enjoy a cultural tour and learn about the traditional practices and ways of life.
  •   Spend the night in a Hippo Hide Tree House for views of hippos at night and a rare experience of dawn chorus ( bird songs)

2. Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Brong Ahafo Region

The Monkey Sanctuary is nestled between two villages; Boabeng and Fiema which is located in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. It is home to many families of monkeys which number about 600 in the sanctuary. The sanctuary is Ghana’s most typical example of traditional African conservation. Monkeys can be seen as anytime of the day in the forest but make a date every 24th February where 10 neighboring communities gather to celebrate these sacred monkeys. The monkeys about 200 Columbus monkeys and 500 Mona monkeys, have enjoyed hospitality of the village folk, who have held the monkey sacred for over 200 years.

Activities that can be undertaken at this site include;
  • ·         Camping at the site
  • ·         Have a rare encounter with the endangered monkeys in their natural habitat
  • ·         Going on the walking tour of the village where you can see monkeys interacting with the people and learn more about  life in the village
  • ·         Have a guided tour of the forest and learn about the history and traditions of the people and the monkeys.

1.      Kakum National Park, Central Region

The Kakum National Park is a conservation Area near Assin Attandanso resource reserve. It is located in the Central Region about 170 kilometers from Accra and approximately 35 kilometers north of Cape Coast, covering an area of 360 square kilometers. There are primate species which include Diana Monkey, species of butterflies, birds including 5 Hornbills species, the Frazer-Eagle Owl, the African grey and several other species of mammals, reptiles and amphibian.
The Kakum canopy walkway, africa’s first rain forest walkway is composed of 350 meters of suspended bridges and six tree platforms. For bird watchers, botanists and eco-tourists, Kakum would be a delight place to visit.

Activities at the park include;

  • Walking tours, and canopy walkway through the forest and self-guided hiking, which provides an opportunity to see the indigenous plant life of Ghana and the various fauna. 

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