Canada Named 2017 Destination of the Year by Travel+Leisure

Canada has been named the 2017 Destination of the Year 2017 by Major travel publication, Travel+Leisure in its recent feature.

The selection was based on data from polls conducted on travel agents, arrival statistics and cultural relevance. The magazine concluded that in 2017, travellers around the world were constantly buzzing about Canada, and so it was the clear cut pick for destination of the year.

According to the magazine, Canada has proven to be a destination on the rise. On the international stage, it's become a source of stability and hope in a time when the news is mostly dominated by crisis and political rhetoric. The country welcomed refugees and immigrants with open arms, and encouraged travelers to experience its one-of- a-kind cultural institutions, emerging neighborhoods, and top culinary talents.

 The sesquicentennial brought noteworthy events from coast to coast including First Nations art installations, special musical performances, and free admission to Canada's national parks. Coupled with a favorable exchange rate, all this gave Americans new reason to cross the northern border and experience the wonders Canada has to offer.

The magazine further stated that "selecting Travel+Leisure 'Destination of the Year' is not an exact science. Yes, we look at data like arrival statistics and poll our favorite travel agents for trends, but we also consider cultural relevance and that elusive quality known as buzz. In 2017, all signs pointed north. It's clear that travelers have become fully aware of the country's exceptional blend of world-class cities and epic natural wonders, its rich culture and eclectic cuisine".

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