Ghana Tourism and Creative Arts Ministry Gets GHC 31 Million Increase in 2018 Budget

The 2018 budget as presented by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta before Parliament on Wednesday, 15th November, 2017, indicated a significant increase in budgetary allocation to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Arts compared to what was allocated them in the 2017 budget.

An allocation of GHC 75 million has been made for the tourism sector in the 2018 budget up from GHC 44 million in 2017.
According to the Minister, government will continue its initiatives to improve the Creative Arts sector with the establishment of a fully functional Creative Arts Secretariat and the commencement of feasibility studies to set up a Creative Arts Fund.

"The Ministry will also use international Tourism, Arts and Culture Fairs and fora and a Single Window portal to promote tourism and investment in Ghana" he added.

Many people are convinced that if the improved financial resources for tourism are efficiently managed, the sector can positively  impact the lives of communities and small enterprises in the country and also provide the needed jobs for the teeming  youth. 

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