Ghana: Deputy Tourism Minister Runs for His Life as Violence Erupts at Fancy Gadam's Concert

The Deputy Minister for Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Hon Dr Ziblim Barri Iddi had to run for his life as violence broke at Fancy Gadam’s Accra Concert.

The event which started on an exciting note ended up with fans fighting each other to the extent of throwing people from the high seats to the down floor.

According to Ghanaian celebrity Journalist, Nii Attractive (Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah),, there were misunderstandings between fans who were throwing fire crickets in the auditorium.

The Deputy Minister together with other ministers of state who were sitting far away from where the violence started was caught on Camera cautioning the other dignitaries and high ranking members who were seated with him to escape before the scene becomes uncontrollable.


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